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Papageienpark-Bochum - Parrot Park Bochum - Shop24
Papageienpark-Bochum - Parrot Park Bochum - Shop24
Warenkorb0 0,00 EUR

Install Parrot Park Shop app

And this is how it works:
1. Open the browser (only Chrome or Edge!! Browser - unfortunately not with FireFox):

2. In the right half of your browser address bar you will find the "Install icon".

This is what it looks like in the Chrome Browser:

This is what it looks like in the Edge Browser:

3. Click on the Install icon on the right side of the browser address bar - âž” red arrow picture above.

4. In the confirmation query you can decide whether you want to install the app:

5. You can also place the app directly on the taskbar - you will be asked to do this during installation.

Done. You can now find the app in the start menu:

Have fun with your new parrot app!!


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